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Saturday, August 10, 2013

Why figs are good for your health

The common fig is one of the oldest trees cultivated by humans and even mentioned in the Bible. This is a relatively small tree does not exceed 10 meters in height and the crown is quite large. Its fruits are pear-shaped, green and downy and their interior is sticky and sweet.

Fig tree grows most successfully in the Mediterranean climate in soil with clay and sand.

Fruits of fig are rich in water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fiber, potassium, iron, manganese, calcium, bromine, vitamin A, organic acids and enzyme called protease (which facilitates the digestion of the meat). Unripe fruits contain chemical irritant.

100 grams fresh figs contain 25 calories and 100 grams dried figs contain 100 calories. Figs are nutritious and digestible, have a laxative (diuretic) function and act refreshing. They are recommended for children in the form of juice or chopped into small pieces, and pregnant women. They are also good in the case of nervous and physical fatigue, gastrointestinal irritation, constipation and urinary tract inflammation.

External fruits are used in cases of angina and inflammation of the oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis, abscess, ulcers).

You can make a decoction of 40-120 grams of figs soaked in a liter of water and this decoction to fight chronic bronchitis and laryngitis.

Figs are excellent and tasty medicine for people suffering from bloated stomach or constipation. For this purpose take six washed figs and put them in slightly warm water for 8-12 hours until softened. Eat them in the morning on an empty stomach.

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