In today'slaborSaturdaythe best optionis towork hardonyour physiquewhileenjoying thebeauty of this3x2program andCrossFit-Gracesperforming it-fourof the most popularCrossFitbeautiesover the Ocean-AndreaAger, JackiePerez, RitaBenavidesandErinSiansiolo.
We know that you will notremove theeyesfrom them,so I will notharass youwith a complexseries ofexercises.In fact,there are onlytwo in this casethrusters andrope climb,that are performed3 setsof decreasingrepsfortime.
Exercises against celluliteare an efficientway to makefat cellsspendaccumulations offat.Exerciseagainst celluliteacceleratecleansingthe body of toxinsandwaste.
Exercisesforcellulite andother formsof physical activityare necessary andhelpful as24 hours aftertheir implementationbodyis stillburning calories.Duringexerciseagainstcellulitecellsare loaded withoxygenandenergy levelof the whole organismis increased.Cellsreceivedconsiderable amountof oxygenpassed to theoxidationmode, in otherwords, theburnedfat.
Doexerciseat least3 times a weekand soonyou will noticethat the skinaffected bycelluliteareas isfirmer andmore elastic.
1. Exercise againgst cellulite
Lie onyour back withlegsbent at theknees.Hands areadjacentto the bodywithpalmsproppedon the floor.Lift thehipswithtight abs, holda few seconds andreturn tostarting position.Exercisefightcellulitein the abdomen,hips and thighs. Do 15-20reps.
2. Exercise againgst cellulite
Lie on your backwith handspropped onelbows.Legstightlytogether.Startslowlybendyour legsat the kneesso that youfeeltension inyour thighsandbuttocks. Exercisefight againstcelluliteinthe hipsand thighs. Do 15-20reps.
3. Exercise against cellulite
Lie on your backwithlegs straight,tight absandhandsbehind your head.Liftyour legs upandbend themso thatyour kneesto becomeperpendicular to the floor. Exercisefights againstcellulitein the abdomen,hips and thighs. Do 15-20reps.
4. Exercise against cellulite
Kneelingindogpose.Slowly"slide" the bodyback so thatyou can sitonyour heels.Hold fora few seconds andslowly returnto the starting position.Exercisefights againstcellulitein the abdomen,hips and thighs. Do10-15reps.
5. Exercise against cellulite
Lie on your backwith a center ofgravity ofthe seat.Raiseyour legsabout30-40cm from the floorand begintopair thethe air.Exercisefightcellulitethighs. Do 20-30reps.
6. Exercise against ceellulite
Lie onone sidewith one handproppedon the floorat the elbowand the otherstretchedparallel to the floor.Slowlyliftone legto the levelof the hand,hold for a fewseconds andreturn tostarting position.Exercisefightcelluliteinthe hipsand thighs. Do 10 repetitionswitheach leg.
For peoplehavinga sedentary lifestyle, andthose who wantto startexercisingbut do not knowwhere tostart,the idea ofheavy exercisecan easilysend themstraight to thecouch.If the thought ofload,strainanddiscomfortduring exerciseyou do not likeand makes youretreattothe safety of thecouchrelaxingwithtea anddonuts, thetai chimay befor you.
Taichiis an ancientChinese martial artpracticedwithas muchsoftnessin the muscles, unlike other"hard"martialarts such astaekwondoandkungfuthat causemuscle tension.Posturesdone in a smoothmotion, andthey resemblethe movementsofmartial artsseemeddoneunder water.
For thosewho are familiar withTai Chi,isa commonmisconceptionthat it isonly goodfor the elderly.While it isa popular form ofexerciseamong the elderly, especiallyin China,tai chiisfound usefulfor the healthof young people,as well.
Benefits oftai chiare:
Relievesanxietyand stress
Improvesbalance and coordination
Relievesmuscular tension
Protects thejoints fromstiffening
Correctsbadbody posture
Increasesflexibility and endurance
Improves sleep
Whiletai chiis beneficialfor all agegroupsmaybe particularlyattractive topeople inolder age.Slow pace, relaxedposes,simplemovementsmake it easyandroutinephysical exercisefor people whoare elderlyorhave achronic disease.Besides beingeasy to implement, it is particularly usefulfor health.
In a studyconducted in 2006found thattai chihelps improvebalance, muscle strength,enduranceand flexibilityin just 6weeks.Furtherimprovementscan be seenafter 12 weeks.Researchersconcluded thattai chiis a powerfulintervention thatcan reversesome functionallimitations andtohelp peoplelive better.
Another studyfound thattai chiimproves the function ofT cells.T cellsarecrucial tothe overall strengthof the immunesystem. Brisk walkingis a populartype of exerciseamong manypeople, especiallythe elderly, but it canbegood for healthto deal withtai chi.Researchersfound thattai chiis more effectivethanbrisk walkingandincludes somefitnessimprovements- strengthof the legs,flexibility,balance. The benefits oftai chiare clear -itmay be usefulforphysicalandmental health,no matterhow old you areand whatyou havephysical abilities.Much moreusefulthana cup of teaanddonutson the couch.
What do you thinkcan makebananasin the dietof bodybuilders?Recentstudies show thathomotsistinat-amino acidrepresentedby productas a result ofmetabolism ofproteins,isvery dangerousfor the cardiovascular system.
Famousfor the enormousamountof protein you eatprofessionalsare well awareof this fact andseek toreducerisks to a minimumand keepyour heart.
Vitamins ofBgroupare a goodoption forreducing the levels ofdangerous homocysteine, so theymustbe presentin the diet ofbodybuilders.Excellent effect in this respect, however,have abanana, soyou eata bananaa day.
Nuts areuseful It is no secretto anyone thatfatshould not prevailinbodybuildingdiet, butthey mustbe present inminoramounts.The best waytoget adequateamounts of fatarenutsand otherseeds.
Nuts.Extremelyrich in magnesiumanda good source ofvitamin Ealsocontain protein.Naturalalmondoil is alsoexcellentand has all theadvantages ofeating nuts.
Pumpkin, sunflowerseeds andsesame.Alsorich invitamin E, magnesium and protein,andcontainsimple carbohydrates. L-glutamineforimprovedrecovery
Researchers havenoticedthat L-glutaminestimulates the release ofgrowth hormone.Theseresults are obtainedby adopting arelativelylow doseof 4-5grams.When should ItakeL-glutamine?Athletesconsume45 minutes after breakfast.Ineight out ofnineathleteswasobservedincreased levelsof glutamine in the bloodover a period of30 to 60minutes after dosing, 90minutes after dosingthe level ofglutaminein the bloodis returned to thenormalrange,which is accompanied byan increase inthe level ofcirculatinggrowth hormone. P.S: Tell me how to improve my blog. What do you want more advices, diets, exercises, information about foods,.. :)
Sunscreensprotectthe skinagainstharmful UV raysof the sun,but it can also havenegativeeffects on theamount of vitaminDthatyour body getsthrough sunlight.
What is vitaminD? Vitamin Dis a fat-solublevitamin,whichpromotes the absorptionof calcium,whichis essentialfornormal development and maintenanceofhealthy teethand bones.Also known as"solarvitamin", vitaminE isproduced by the bodyonce itis exposed tosunlight. Byhow muchdo we need?
For children American Academy of Pediatricsrecentlydoubleditsrecommended dosefor the minimumamount ofvitamin Dthatbabies, children andteenagersshould betaken daily.The newrecommendationincludesat least400IU (InternationalUnits).It is importantto talk to thedoctor aboutyour child'sneedsfor vitaminD. For adult
The recommended dailydoseis currently200IUforthose agedbetween 19and 50,400IUfor peoplebetween51and 69, and theelderlyover 69years should receive600IU.However, researchsupportsthe growingbelief thatour bodyneeds morevitaminDin the1000IU.Somedoctors recommendevenlarger quantities,so it is importantto consult withyour doctorto findthe rightdosagefor you. What are thebenefits ofvitamin D? Vitamin Dis essentialfor the health ofteeth and bones, regardless ofage.It is essentialtohelp your bodyregulatecalcium and phosphorusin the bestwayfor you to havestrong, healthybones and teeth.Vitamin Dhelpsin the fight against osteoporosis.It canalso act as ahormone, so it isvitalfor the health ofblood vesselsand brain function.
Several recent studiessuggest thatvitamin Dmay playa crucial role inheart health, respiratory system andimmune function.
Whatare the risks ofvitamin D deficiency?
It is believed thatthe bloodlevelofless than 50nmol / Lindicatesa deficiency of vitaminDin the elderly.In children,the level whichindicatesdeficitof 25nmol / L.Your doctorcan verifyexactly whatand give youguidance.
When the bodyis experiencinga shortage ofvitaminE,itis unabletoregulatethe levels of calciumandphosphorus.Ifthe levels ofthese mineralsin the blood become toolow, the otherhormones in the bodycan stimulatethe release ofcalciumandphosphorusfrom bones intoblood system.
In adults: Deficiency of vitaminDmay have a negativeimpacton boneand heart health.
In children: Toolittlevitamin Dcan lead torachitis, a progressivesofteningand weakening ofthe bone structure. Who is at risk of vitamin D deficiency?Studies show that 80% of people in the U.S. do not get enough vitamin D, and some of them are at especially high risk of deficiency, including:
Older people - aging skin loses its ability to convert vitamin D
People who stay home alone
People in the northern regions, especially in the winter months. The greater the distance to the equator, the less direct solar radiation we receive.
People who cover their bodies for religious reasons
Those whose jobs do not involve exposure to sunlight
People who have dark skin: African-Americans and Hispanics. Dark pigmented skin does not produce much vitamin thanks to the sunlight.
People who do not drink milk or eat foods rich in vitamin D
People with impaired hepatic or renal function
Pregnant women. They must take special care to ensure that you will become deficient in vitamin D. Human milk contains little vitamin D, and mothers who are deficient in vitamin D, would provide very few nutrients to newborns.
What are the sourcesof vitamin D?
1.Sunlight-we can getvitamin Dthroughskin exposureto sunlight.10-15 minutesofsunshinethree times a weekis sufficientto ensurea stable levelof vitaminD.But the truth isthat very fewpeople can getenough vitamin Dfrom sunlightonly.
3.Dietary supplements- there are manysupplementsthat providevitaminD.Theyare a greatalternative ifyou do not getenough of itthroughdietandsun. Always consultwith your doctorbefore youuse them.