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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Plant sources of protein

Legume foods are the most popular vegetable protein sources. In addition, they contain some complex carbohydrates (starch). Although sometimes create problems in digestion, beans are very good for bodybuilders, but also for all those who want their food to be varied and vitamin. Beans contain more and different vitamins and trace minerals than animal (especially processed animal). Trouble is only that plant proteins contain a bad combination of amino acids.
 This does not mean you have to stop. The best thing you can do is alternate between plant and animal protein foods.
 Types of legumes

Haricot contain valuable amino acids, some of which are in insufficient quantities in animal products. Helps prevent many diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, and constipation. It stimulates the digestion of cellulose because it contains. For some people, causing swelling, but that's no reason to cancel it, and can be prevented by boiling it in some water and remove skins then. You can cook a soup, stew or just a salad - you decide how.


Composition and properties resemble those of haricot. Concentration of substance in it was slightly weaker than in beans, less is gasification. Green peas, which is common in Bulgaria is low in protein and 20% carbohydrate. It is also a good source of fiber, so you can use it in stews or salads (even if its use is recommended).


There composition and properties similar to those of haricot. The difference is that the protein is slightly lower at the expense of carbohydrates. It also does not produce much gas. It is therefore recommended intake of beans to alternate with that of the lens.


Chemically resemble haricot. There are 2-3% more protein and about the same amount of carbohydrates in beans. can be used as an addition to other dishes.

Soybeans contain about 1.5 times more protein than other legumes, while the carbohydrate content when it is low. Contains a little more fat, but they are polyunsaturated and therefore have no harm to the body. Recent studies suggest that soy protein contains a very good combination of amino acids in - better than in most meats. Besides beans in kiosks, soybeans sold in the form of various products. They contain 50% protein, 25% carbohydrates and 1-2% fat. With this composition, they are one of the best plant food for bodybuilders.


They are similar in composition of soybeans, but with this difference, that the concentration of protein in them is slightly lower. Some people have problems with absorption, but on the other hand, they contain valuable ingredients, zinc and iron. So you can use them - raw or roasted.

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