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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mushrooms are a good source of vitamin D

It turns out that mushrooms, including cultivated mushrooms, transform UV light into vitamin D and can be just as effective, as there are dietary supplements that contain the vitamin .

The only condition is to leave them in the sun for about 60 minutes before you cook them. It was found that the heat treatment does not reduce the level of vitamin D in them.

Researchers recommend that people remove the mushrooms from the packaging and set them outside in the sun (on the terrace or balcony) for at least half an hour between the hours of 10:00 and 15:00 in the spring and summer, and only then cook them.
In a similar way to mushrooms and human skin transforms ultraviolet light from the sun into vitamin D, says the Daily Mail.

Food supplements with this vitamin is also essential for the immune system, healthy bones and teeth, and calcium absorption by the human body.

The study involved 30 adults. Of some of them is given in one capsule a day the vitamin D for a period of 12 weeks. The other participants were given mushroom powder, exposed to the sun before.

At the end of the study there were no significant difference in the levels of the vitamin D of the various participants.

These results show that the consumption of mushrooms that have been exposed to ultraviolet light is equal to drinking vitamin in dosage form.
The results were presented at the meeting of the American Society of Biochemistry and Microbiology in Boston.

While Mushroom Growers in the U.S. and Australia hold the mushrooms to sunlight, it is not common practice in other countries.

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